How To Live More Sustainably - The Green Doctrine

20 Steps To Eco-Friendly Living


Lately, we’ve been experiencing different phenomena on our planet that are all a result of our careless lifestyle choices. These phenomena harm the ecosystem and invariably harm us too. The most popular and most threatening, unfortunately, is climate change. Hotter temperatures, more severe storms, increased drought, loss of species, and poverty, are just a few of the many effects of climate change.

We are at the point where our lifestyle choices have to be made with the ecosystem at the back of our minds. This means that for almost everything we do, we should ask ourselves if it’ll cause any harm to the environment.

Eco-friendly living is doing just that. It is making lifestyle choices that do not harm the environment. Eco-friendly living is so important in recovering from man-made damage done on the planet and preventing the damages from getting worse. 

As they say, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. This saying is also applicable to eco-friendly living. Eco-friendly living involves steps that are so little, you’d be surprised. These little steps matter because they all add up and make a cumulative impact on our planet. 

In this article, I’ll be taking you through 20 steps to eco-friendly living. 

  • Use electricity wisely
  • Electricity is obviously needed in our homes, offices, and wherever we stay to power appliances, facilities, services, and equipment. But it's crucial to be mindful of how much energy is being used and what is needed.

    An easy way to do that is to unplug electrical appliances and chargers when not in use. 

  • Reduce your usage of non-renewable energy sources.
  • Non-renewable sources of energy are energy sources that cannot be replaced once they are used up. They include energy sources like coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy - they are mostly fossil fuels. 

    In the actual sense, these sources of energy can be replaced but they have to undergo decomposition for millions of years before they can be found naturally in the environment again.

    The main problem, however, is that we are over-dependent on these sources to supply most of our energy needs. This is quite disastrous because if these energy sources are completely depleted, humanity might never get access to them again.

    Apart from the risk of depleting these non-renewable sources, we also harm the environment when we use them. Burning coal and oil can cause pollutants to be released into the air, water, and land.

    On the other hand, renewable energy sources are clean energy sources. They come from natural sources that are always replenished. Renewable sources of energy can virtually almost never be depleted. Solar energy, hydropower, and wind energy are all good examples. A good way to start is by using solar energy to power our homes. 

    If you are ready to make an immediate change to renewable energy, then I highly recommend selecting one of the two plans that Inspire Clean Energy has available. With their plans you will gain access to 100% renewable wind, solar and hydro power for your home at a predictable price with no installations or hidden fees. In addition to this you can also contribute to a great social cause through their give back program, which provides clean energy solutions to one person in critical need for every year that you are an Inspire member!

    With Inspire you can choose between a pay-per-use plan which is ideal for those wanting a traditional renewable energy plan and a subscription plan which is ideal for households with seasonal swings in usage that want a more consistent bill structure. If you're wondering how it works, do not fear as Inspire makes the change for you in 3 simple steps. First you sign up with just your utility account identifier (varies per utility). Next Inspire works with your utility to switch you to their 100% renewable energy supply. Finally, you will receive a consolidated bill from your utility. You will keep receiving and paying your same utility bill, but Inspire will be on it as your 100% renewable electricity supplier

    • Invest in eco-friendly technology

    This is still related to energy usage. Suppose you find it difficult to switch from non-renewable sources to renewable energy sources. In that case, you can try investing in technology that can help preserve the environment through energy efficiency and the reduction of harmful waste.

    Eco-friendly technology entails using plant-based materials, reducing polluting materials, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, using multi-functional appliances, and many more. There are eco-friendly devices that are being produced now so you can also invest in them.

    • Reduce the usage of conventional gas cars.

      Most conventional cars that people use today are fueled by gasoline or diesel. These cars pose a lot of harm to the environment and are one of the biggest factors that affect our ecosystem. The exhaust from these cars contribute greatly to air pollution and increase the carbon footprint of the earth.

      A safer option is to opt for electric or hybrid cars instead of gas cars. Tesla, Lucid Motors, Zoox, and Aptiv are top brands that design electric cars. 

      If these are out of your budget,  reducing the use of your gas cars can be an eco-friendly step.This can easily be achieved by running multiple errands in one trip, walking, biking or taking public transportation when possible, or taking the carpool lane with colleagues- that is if you are still commuting to work.

    1. Have your groceries/food delivered to you
    2. This step is still somewhat related to reducing the usage of our cars. Home delivery of groceries is like using one stone to kill multiple birds. Instead of different people taking their cars out to buy their groceries, a delivery van can just do everything all at once and deliver the groceries to their doorsteps. Also, most delivery companies are now opting for electric cars instead of gas cars.

      Blue Apron provides you with the best high-quality ingredients and instructions, delivered to your home, to create amazing healthy meals. And as if that wasn't good enough they are partnered with the foremost sustainability experts to create better standards for growing food and raising animals!

    3. Use eco-friendly cleaning products
    4. Many cleaning products contain dangerous chemicals that are neither produced nor disposed of in an environmentally sustainable manner. In fact, prolonged exposure to certain cleaning agents can have a negative impact on both the environment and your health. Green cleaning products employ cleaners that are more organic and natural, which are much safer.

      All of MyCleaning Products are made streak free, non toxic and have no harsh odors. Greaserizer All Purpose Degreaser Spray is a safe and effective formula for removing, grease, dirt, and grime from kitchen counters, sinks, stainless steel, concrete driveways, pavers, roof tiles, awnings and all other hard to clean surfaces. 

    5. Grow your fruits and vegetables
    6. Instead of always buying the fruits and vegetables you use, you can always create a little garden and plant them there. Planting is a great way of protecting the ecosystem because plants add a lot of benefits to the environment. 

      Growing your fruits and veggies will not only protect the environment but will also save you so much money, you’d be surprised.

      If the prospect of gardening sounds intimidating then fear not because Click & Grow has got your back. The Smart Garden 9 lets you grow herbs, fruits, flowers and vegetables all year round from the comfort of your home!


    7. Plant trees
    8. As I said in the last step, plants and trees add a lot of benefits to the environment. The process of photosynthesis improves the quality of air by eliminating carbon (iv) oxide and producing oxygen. Also, trees help cool down the environment by enabling reverberation and evapotranspiration. Lastly, planting trees prevent certain species of plants and animals from going extinct by preserving their habitat.

      Sustainability of the environment is crucial for eco-friendly living. Things start to break down when there isn't a healthy ecology. To save the ecosystem and enhance air quality, more individuals and organizations must ensure that native trees are being planted to replace those that have been cut down to make way for construction.

    9. Invest in electronic devices instead of paper
    10. During the lockdown when students had to do online classes, a lot of them were getting iPads and used them to take notes. This makes so much sense. Not only will the weight of their backpacks reduce but the ecosystem will also be protected.

      Papers are not eco-friendly in any way. Pulp and paper mills contribute to air, water, and land pollution and discarded paper and paperboard make up roughly 26% of solid municipal waste in landfill sites. 

      So you can now see how using electronic devices makes so much sense.

    11. Buy food from your local stores
    12. Before we purchase it, fresh food typically travels 1,500 miles. Through transportation, refrigeration, and various production processes, these carbon-intensive value chains produce emissions.

      By making as many purchases from regional producers as you can, you can avoid this. A developed local food economy makes supply chains stronger, increasing the variety of supplies available during shortages. 

      Produce that is in season locally has a better nutritional value because it has traveled less distance from the source. Meanwhile, foreign produce is produced to intentionally have a longer shelf life than it would naturally have, which reduces its nutritional content.

      • Eat less meat

        I’m not saying you should be a vegetarian but I’m saying you should reduce your consumption of meat. This is because meat, especially beef, contributes to climate change in two ways: first, by releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from cows; and second, by clearing forests to make room for grazing space.

        Being more environmentally conscious means being mindful about what you eat, and consuming less meat can make a significant difference. Even for only two or three days a week, cutting out red meat and switching to a more plant-based diet can make a major difference in lowering your carbon footprint.

      1.  Avoid food wastage
      2. Food wastage does not only waste money but also increases the level of carbon (iv) oxide created in landfills. 

        In 2018, 9.5 million tonnes of food waste were generated in the UK, which is equal to 25 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Households were found to provide 70% of this. This raises emissions through increased industrial production and transportation.

        By rationing your meals, only purchasing what you need, and using food waste as fertilizer for soil and plants, you may reduce the amount of food that goes to waste in your home.

      3. Make compost out of spoilt food
      4. I know it might be unavoidable sometimes for food to go bad and lead to wastage. However, instead of throwing food that has gone bad away, you can turn it into compost.  This will not only keep your garden healthy and assist create natural fertilizer, but it will also cut down on the quantity of waste sent to the landfill. 

        Additionally, because it won't decompose anaerobically, methane gas won't build up as it decomposes. If you cannot make compost at home, you may want to see if your local government collects food waste together with other recyclables or if there are any composting programs in your area.

        The easiest way to create your own compost is by investing in a compost bin. Chef’n EcoCrock Stainless Steel Compost Bin is a great option as the sleep appearance will look stylish in your home while its charcoal filter eliminates foul odors.


      5. Avoid traveling by planes
      6. Aviation emissions contribute greatly to total carbon emissions. Although it is almost impossible to avoid traveling by plane, a more reasonable approach is to reduce traveling by air. Select trains where possible, and consider travel distance when selecting your next vacation spot.

      7. Avoid cruise trips
      8. While it is nice to go on a cruise and have some fun, it isn’t so safe for the environment. These big ships contribute massively to the emission of greenhouse gases. 47 cruise ships emit 10 times more greenhouse gases than 100 million cars do. This is huge! 

        Before you decide to go on that cruise trip, I implore you to think about the long-term effects of that trip on the environment.

      9. Take recycling seriously
      10. You probably recycle if you're thinking about adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. But is there a way that you can improve your recycling? Almost everything can be recycled, including batteries, paper, and automobiles. Find out if you can recycle it instead of throwing it out before you do.

        And if you don’t already recycle, this is your sign to start recycling. Start small. Instead of throwing containers of products, reuse them. Bringing your travel coffee mug to the coffee shop is a great start!

      11. Don’t throw your clothes away
      12. Clothes can take hundreds of years to degrade after being placed in a landfill, releasing greenhouse gases in the process.

        Your garments can be easily altered and repaired so that you can keep up with trends or extend their lifespan. Alternative solutions with a lower price tag are frequently available in vintage and used clothing stores.

        Also, instead of discarding clothes that you can’t fit into anymore, you can give them out or even sell them. Clothes that are too worn out can be recycled and put to alternative uses.

      13. Reduce your usage of plastics
      14. Plastic appears to have permeated every area of our life. Giving it up, though, isn't as challenging as you would imagine. Just bring a canvas bag with you when you shop, purchase your fruit and vegetables in bulk and stop purchasing bottled water.

        Along with getting refills for soap, shampoo, washing-up liquid, and laundry detergent, there are also more and more stores nearby where you can bring your own container for items like nuts, seeds, pasta, oats, and more.

        An easy and effective way of reducing your plastic- use is by investing in some storage glass containers. Sur La Table 10 piece glass container set is BPA free, dishwasher-safe and is durable enough for microwave use.



        And if you want to take it a step further you can easily replace your foil or plastic wrap with Bee's Wrap Reusable Beeswax Wraps. These cotton wraps are coated with waterproof, breathable, antifungal and antimicrobial beeswax that will help keep your food fresh for a longer period of time. They are reusable, biodegradable, compostable and perfect for wrapping lunches or food left-overs. The beeswax is sourced from sustainably-managed hives in the US using only organic jojoba oil.  


      15. Consider using heat pumps
      16. As an eco-friendly substitute for air conditioners and boilers, heat pumps are available. They take heat from the air, the earth, or the water and transfer it into your home. They may also take heat from inside your house and send it outside to chill it in the summer.

      17. Insulate your homes
      18. Insulation helps the environment by lowering the amount of natural gas, propane, fuel oil, and electricity needed to heat and cool buildings. This results in fewer emissions of pollutants including carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, and nitrogen oxide, among others.


        We should all care about the planet we live on and take care of it. This starts with the simple lifestyle choices we make. If we can live more carefully in an eco-friendly manner, we are taking big steps in helping the earth recover from the damage already done.


        As a blogger, my content may include affiliate links from advertisers. I may earn a small commission from actions readers take on these links such as a purchase, or subscribe. All my recommendations are based on my own research and personal trust in the products that I share. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. Please consult with your practitioner prior to using any products recommended.
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